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Get Kendo Grid filtered datasource count

I'm using tool bar filter Dropdown in kendo grid. When user selects the dropdown I need to get the count of filtered records. Below code is not working for me

function ExamDateChange() { // function on dropdown change
        var value = this.value(),
             grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");

        if (value) {
            grid.dataSource.filter({ field: "ExamID", operator: "eq", value: value });

            grid.dataSource.fetch(function () {
                var view = dataSource.view();


        } else {



You might use fetch but instead of using dataSource.view().length you should use dataSource.total() method.

Something like:

function ExamDateChange() { // function on dropdown change
    var value = this.value(),
        grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");    
    if (value) {
        grid.dataSource.filter({ field: "ExamID", operator: "eq", value: value });
        grid.dataSource.fetch(function () {
    } else {

See it in action here: http://jsfiddle.net/OnaBai/f19k0vrt/5/ Type two dates and click "Filter" button and it will apply the filter on Birth Date and show you the total.

Okay here we go,
i tried also the chage event from the dropdown but it doesnt work as you said. The event is called before the dataSource of the Grid is set.

So I think we need the callback when Grids dataSource is bound, so thaht the dataBound event from the Grid.

dataBound: function(){
    console.log("Grid data bound");   
    // this should do the trick    

Here is a rudimental fiddle of that.
I hope this is what you need.

In the case you use serverpaging, you could use the requestEnd event from the datasource.
You have to look up the server response. In the fiddle you got a "__count" property.
Updated fiddle

requestEnd: function (e) {
    var response = e.response;
    var type = e.type;
    alert(response.d.__count); // displays "77"

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