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Aviary SDK issue causes app crash in ios

Hello I am using Aviary SDK in my iOS project. I followed all steps given in this documentation .Now I call below method in viewDidAppear(also try in viewdidload).

- (void)displayEditorForImage:(UIImage *)imageToEdit   {
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
    [AFPhotoEditorController setAPIKey:kAFAviaryAPIKey secret:kAFAviarySecret];

AFPhotoEditorController *editorController = [[AFPhotoEditorController alloc] initWithImage:imageToEdit];
[editorController setDelegate:self];

[self presentViewController:editorController animated:YES completion:nil];     }

But when I run the project application is crashed.it will not displaying controller and exception is below

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UINavigationBar setAf_backgroundColor:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xcb1b950'

how can i solve problem.Please help me.

Are you sure that following the doc correctly?

4. Add linker flags

 Update your target's (or project's) build settings to include the following "Other Linker Flags":


Hope this help you.

Thanks, Jony

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