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How can I specify protocol same name to interface defined in Objective-C from Swift

When defined as below in Objective-C code, how can I specify Item protocol from Swift?

// Objective-C
@protocol Item <NSObject>

@interface Item : NSObject<Item>

@implementation Item

// Swift
var item = Item() // item interface, but I'd like to define as Item protocol.

Should I define as distinct name?

You cannot instantiate a protocol type , therefore Item() will always refer to @interface Item . You should explicitly specify that you mean a protocol in your declaration:

var item: protocol<Item>

By the way, the thing you've done in Objective-C cannot be done in Swift – it requires all declarations in the same scope to be uniquely named. Your equivalent, following Apple's conventions, would look like this:

@objc(Item) protocol ItemType {


class Item: ItemType {


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