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ExtJs5 How to add a floating window to a panel as an item?

I am writing my application in MVVM structure. I have buttons as items in GeoPortal.geox.components.MapToolbar. in my view(GeoPortal.view.map.Map) i use this toolbar and toolbar's buttons have actions in my viewController (GeoPortal.view.map.MapController). Now this toolbar has to be floating, so i put it in a floating window. But to access button actions this window has to be an item of the panel.

I tried to add item like in the code below, but i got this error:

TypeError: me.floatingItems is undefined


    "extend": "GeoPortal.geox.components.Panel",
    "controller": "map",
    "viewModel": {
        "type": "map"
    "uses": ['GeoPortal.geox.components.MapToolbar',
    initComponent: function () {

        var win = Ext.create({
            xtype: 'gxWindow',
            id: 'mapToolbarWindow',
            items: [{
                xtype: 'gxMapToolbar'

        // FIX this

    listeners : {
        afterrender: {
            fn: function () {
    "region": 'center',
    "collapsible": false,
    "collapsed": false,
    "xtype": "mapPanel",
    items: [{
        xtype: 'gxMapInfobar'
    }, {
        html: '<div id="map" class="map"></div>'

Thanks in advance.

You can just store reference to window this.win = Ext.create({ xtype: 'gxWindow' }) . You can then use every time you need. If you need also to have reference to panel in window, pass it in window config: this.win = Ext.create({ xtype: 'gxWindow', panel: this }) .

Also you should mind that, you should destroy window when panel is destroyed, otherwise you will have potential memleak.

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