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Google AdMob interstitial ads in windows phone 7

I want to add google ads in my project but my project is for windows phone 7 . how can I implement GoogleAdMob to my windows phone 7 application. also I want to implement google interstitial ads in my application how can I did that??? I had a try to upgrade my project from 7.1 to windows phone 8 but it can't run it shows error like it I have developed HubTile Application. which used coading4fun toolkit and wpcontrolls.toolkit

"Unable to cast object of type 'System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData' to >type 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute'

and please tell me if there is any other ad network which provide interstitial ads to windows phone 7 application which have good eCPM . please help me.

Currently, Google Admob is only available on windows phone 8, android and ios.

Support for windows phone 7 was dropped in 2013.

Until then, you can either use one or a combination of the following:

Microsoft PubCenter
Ad Duplex

More here

You can also use AdRotator to achieve a +99% fill rate by real time swapping/replacing of ad providers.

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