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Adding a node using Nokogiri

I have an HTML string (for instance <div class="input">hello</div> ) and I want to add a node only if the HTML tag in the string is a label (for instance <label>Hi</label> ).

doc = Nokogiri::XML(html)

doc.children.each do |node|
  if node.name == 'label'
    # this code gets called
    span = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new "span", node
    span.content = "hello"

    puts span.parent 
    # nil

    span.parent = node
    # throws error "node can only have one parent"

doc.to_html # Does not contain the span.

I cannot for the life of me understand what I'm doing wrong, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit : This solved my problem, thanks for the answers!

# notice DocumentFragment rather than XML
doc = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(html_tag)
doc.children.each do |node|
  if node.name == 'label'
    span = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new "span", doc

It's easy to add/change/delete HTML:

require 'nokogiri'

doc = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse('<div class="input">hello</div>')
div = doc.at('div')
div << '<span>Hello</span>'
puts doc.to_html

Which results in:

# >> <div class="input">hello<span>Hello</span>
# >> </div>

Notice that the above code appended a new node to the existing children of the <div> , because of << , which means they were appended after the text-node containing "hello".

If you want to overwrite the children, you can do that easily using children = :

div.children = '<span>Hello</span>'
puts doc.to_html

Which results in:

# >> <div class="input"><span>Hello</span></div>

children = can take a single Node which can have multiple other nodes nestled under it, or the HTML text of the node(s) being inserted. That's what node_or_tags means when you see it in the documentation .

That said, to change just an embedded <label> , I'd do something like:

doc = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse('<div class="input"><label>hello</label></div>')
label = doc.at('div label')
label.name = 'span' if label
puts doc.to_html
# >> <div class="input"><span>hello</span></div>


doc = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse('<div class="input"><label>hello</label></div>')
label = doc.at('div label')
label.replace("<span>#{ label.text }</span>") if label
puts doc.to_html
# >> <div class="input"><span>hello</span></div>

Nokogiri makes it easy to change the tag's name once you've pointed at it. You can easily change the text inside the <span> by replacing #{ label.text } with whatever you desire.

at('div label') is one way of finding a particular node. It basically means "find the first label tag inside the first div". at means find the first of something, and is similar to using search(...).first . There are CSS and XPath equivalents to both at and search in the Nokogiri::XML::Node documentation if you need those.

A few issues - you span = .. line was creating the node but not actually adding it to the document. Also, you can't access span outside of the block where you created it.

I think this is what you're after:

html = '<label>Hi</label>'

doc = Nokogiri::XML(html)

doc.children.each do |node|
  if node.name == 'label'
    # this code gets called
    span = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new "span", doc
    span.content = "hello"

# NOTE: `node` nor `span` are accessible outside of the each block

doc.to_s # => "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<label>Hi<span>hello</span></label>\n"

Note the node.add_child(span) line.

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