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Docker: Error pulling image (latest) from imageStack, operation not supported

When I do pull on docker I get the following error:

2014/09/02 12:38:06 Error pulling image (latest) from imageStack, operation not supported

I'm using boot2dock and my docker version is: Docker version 1.1.2, build d84a070

I have looked on Google and searched online for solutions it seems others are having this problem but no one seems to have a solution that works.Some have suggested a local build but not addressing it exactly how. So, if anyone could suggest a solution or workaround I would appreciate it.

examples: https://github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker/issues/462 https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/6874

You should do an upgrade of your installation. That will fix the problem. Be aware: The upgrade will delete all the containers and images on your boot2docker VM! Here the commands, assuming that you run boot2docker on a Mac:

boot2docker delete
boot2docker upgrade
boot2docker init
curl https://get.docker.com/builds/Darwin/x86_64/docker-latest > /usr/local/bin/docker
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker

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