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Ember data hasMany issue cannot update parent object with child content

I have a Contact model having multiple addresses.

Contact = DS.Model.extend({
   addresses : DS.hasMany('address')

Address = DS.Model.extend({
  street : DS.attr('string'),
  city : DS.attr('string'),
  state : DS.attr('string'),
  zip : DS.attr('string')

Initially I just load a contact using this.store.find('contact',1); then I load all addresses related to it.

   // return addresses;

As soon I try to set addresses above to the contact object I get the following error:

Error: Assertion Failed: Error: Cannot set read-only property "addresses" on object: <interval-intl-ember-clii@model:contact::ember496:null>

I'm not sure what the issue is. The thing I am trying to do above is trying to load child on demand rather than with parent initially for performance reasons and I have not been able to come across any working example to help me.

Any suggestions on what is happening above?


addresses : DS.hasMany('address', {async:true})

To populate an async relation you need to first 'open' it:

controller.get('addresses').then(function (result) {

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