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Can I use a helper inside codeigniter route?

So I have a codeigniter helper that determines wether the signed request is from mobile or not. and so I would like that my url routes to different controllers when there is mobile request.

for example

if (get_request() === 'mobile')
$route['u/a/(:any)'] = "mobile/usr/main_controller/game_detail/$1";
$route['u/a/(:any)'] = "pc/usr/main_controller/game_detail/$1";

thanks in advance!

In short you can't use autloaded helpers and you can't use $this inside a helper. Unlike libraries helpers aren't classes so you can't get CodeIgniter's instance.

However to solve your problem you can however include the helper file.

require_once( APPPATH .'helpers/your_helper.php');

and so because its already included you can now use this helper's function like get_request() etc..

if (get_request() === 'mobile')
$route['u/a/(:any)'] = "mobile/usr/main_controller/game_detail/$1";
$route['u/a/(:any)'] = "pc/usr/main_controller/game_detail/$1";

and then you can use this now.

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