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How can I obtain key and value of a hash in Jekyll / liquid?

I have a Jekyll page with the following setup:

 - FOO: foo
 - BAR: bar
 - BAZ: baz

  <a name="{{ page.navigation[0][1] }}" class="anchor" 
     href="#{{ page.navigation[0][1] }}">
  </a>{{ page.navigation[0][0] }}

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,.</p>


  <a name="{{ page.navigation[1][1] }}" class="anchor" 
     href="#{{ page.navigation[1][1] }}">
  </a>{{ page.navigation[1][0] }}

<p>Different content ...</p>


  <a name="{{ page.navigation[2][1] }}" class="anchor" 
     href="#{{ page.navigation[2][1] }}">
  </a>{{ page.navigation[2][0] }}

<p>Another different content ...</p>


I am trying to use the key and value of each navigation item in my front matter with the href links in the example above.

I can not use {% for %} iterations because inside each paragraph is a different content.

My desire is to have Jekyll output the following code:

  <a name="foo" class="anchor" href="#foo">

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,.</p>


  <a name="bar" class="anchor" href="#bar">

<p>Different content ...</p>


  <a name="baz" class="anchor" href="#baz">

<p>Another different content</p>


Any ideas how to do this?

You could warp a for loop around each item in navigation like this:

    {% for item in page.navigation[0] %}
     <a name="{{ item[1] }}" class="anchor" 
        href="#{{ item[1] }}">
     </a>{{ item[0] }}
     {% endfor %}

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,.</p>

    {% for item in page.navigation[1] %}
     <a name="{{ item[1] }}" class="anchor" 
        href="#{{ item[1] }}">
     </a>{{ item[0] }}
     {% endfor %}

<p>Different content ...</p>

    {% for item in page.navigation[2] %}
     <a name="{{ item[1] }}" class="anchor" 
        href="#{{ item[1] }}">
     </a>{{ item[0] }}
     {% endfor %}

<p>Another different content</p>

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