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SLComposeViewController get crash in ios8

SLComposeViewController *controller = [SLComposeViewController composeViewControllerForServiceType:SLServiceTypeTwitter];
        controller.view.hidden = YES;
        [self presentViewController:controller animated:NO completion:^{
            [controller.view endEditing:YES];

This code working fine in iOS6 & iOS7 but it get crash in iOS 8:

**2014-09-03 08:48:19.545 [1254:248164] Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.apple.accounts error 6.)
2014-09-03 08:48:19.558[1254:248164] Discovered extensions: {(
 <NSExtension: 0x17013eaa0> {id = com.apple.share.SinaWeibo.post},
 <NSExtension: 0x17013ee60> {id = com.apple.share.Facebook.post},
 <NSExtension: 0x17013ebe0> {id = com.apple.share.Twitter.post},
 <NSExtension: 0x17013f400> {id = com.apple.share.TencentWeibo.post},
 <NSExtension: 0x17013e780> {id = com.apple.share.Vimeo.post},
 <NSExtension: 0x17013e6e0> {id = com.apple.share.Flickr.post},
 <NSExtension: 0x17013e640> {id = com.apple.mobileslideshow.StreamShareService}
)} for attributes: {
 NSExtensionPointName = "com.apple.share-services";

Get error message for :: **LaunchServices: invalidationHandler called**

这不是解决方案,您需要升级适用于iOS8和Xcode 6.0.1的facebook版本,这些版本才能在iOS7和iOS8 +上运行。

I get solution for that issue in iOS8, problem in controller.view.hidden = YES; , In iOS8 default settings alert view hided in view, i use this simple code for iOS7 & iOS8

        controller.view.hidden = YES;
    controller.view.hidden = NO;

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