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open email by php using imap giving me this error Message: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {imap.gmail.com:993/imap/ssl}INBOX

I am trying to open the email messages by php using imap method but it give me an error Couldn't open stream {imap.gmail.com:993/imap/ssl}INBOX and this is my code

$hostname = '{imap.gmail.com:993/imap/ssl}INBOX';
$username = 'nohamedtemraz92@gmail.com';
$password = '0129799169mohamed';

/* try to connect */
$inbox = imap_open($hostname,$username ,$password) or die('Cannot connect to Gmail: '        imap_last_error());

    /* grab emails */
    $emails = imap_search($inbox,'ALL');

    /* if emails are returned, cycle through each... */
    if($emails) {

        /* begin output var */
        $output = '';

        /* put the newest emails on top */

        /* for every email... */
        foreach($emails as $email_number) {

            /* get information specific to this email */
            $overview = imap_fetch_overview($inbox,$email_number,0);

            $output.= 'Name:  '.$overview[0]->from.'</br>';
                $output.= 'Email:  '.$overview[0]->message_id.'</br>';


        echo $output;

 /* close the connection */

Try this:

$hostname = '{imap.gmail.com:993/imap/ssl/novalidate-cert}INBOX';
$inbox = imap_open($hostname,$username ,$password) or die('Cannot connect to Gmail: '        imap_last_error());


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