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What's namespace in JavaScript and how to export method from namespace?

Please check this link for my complete code (It's simple though)

Question 1: What's the namespace defined in JavaScript? From my understanding, it looks like that any object can be an namespace?

Say we have a namespace called 'SPA', which means "Simple Page Application", inside this namespace, I define four module scope variables, $chatSlider, $toggleSlider, $onclickSlider, initModule;

var spa = (function( $ ) {
    // Module scope variables
    // Set constants
        configMap = {
            // some code here

        // Declare all other module scope variables
        $chatSlider, toggleSlider, onClickSlider, initModule;

    toggleSlider = function() {
        // some code here
        // do not take action if slider is in transition
        return false;

    onClickSlider = function(event) {
        return false;

    // Public method / initModule/ 
    // sets initial state and provides feature

    initModule = function($container) {
       // some code here
        return true;

    return {
        initModule: initModule

And now I want to call initModule outside "spa", like this

$(document).ready(function () {
    spa.initModule( $('#spa'));

Question 2: why we have to write

return {
    initModule: initModule

To me, return {initModule} seems make more sense, what does the code above mean, what's the syntax of it?

Last but not least, usually I write function in the format like

function ( $var) {
   // function code here

So what does this $ and jQuery mean here

function( $ ) {


What's the namespace defined in JavaScript?

Namespace isn't a piece of terminology defined by the language. It's common usage just means "An object, assigned to a global variable, to which all public functions for a piece of code are assigned so they can be exposed globally while only using a single global variable".

why we have to write return { etc etc

Otherwise the immediately invoked function expression (IIFE) will return undefined . The return value is what is assigned to the global variable ( spa ).

You need it to be an object.

The left hand side of the : is the property name, the right hand side is the value (which is the previously declared local variable which happens to have the same name as the property).

return {initModule} seems make more sense

That's a syntax error in JavaScript. An object consists of a set of property/value pairs .

So what does this $ and jQuery mean here

$ is the name of the argument in the function expression definition.

jQuery is the value passed as the first argument when that function is called (which is immediately).

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