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php namespace auto-load directory

I've a class structure (tree) like this:

- garcha/
|   - html/
|       Tag.php
|       VTag.php
|       etc..

What works: (auto-loaded by spl_autoload_register )

use garcha\html;

$tag = new html\Tag('a');

Can't work:

use garcha\html;

$tag = new Tag('a');

To achieve it without: (I don't want to write each class file's use statement line by line, something to point to the class directory and use classes without parent namespace)

use garcha\html\Tag;
use garcha\html\VTag;

I don't like this way because, it's boring, need more time, less flexible ( you may change file structure, class name etc.. )

In a nutshell: I'm trying to auto-load namespaced class directory and use classes in it with unqualified names.

Auto-loader function:

class AutoLoader 
    protected static $pathes = array();

     * add pathes
     * @param string $path
    public static function addPath($path) 
        $path = realpath($path);

        if ($path) 
            self::$pathes[] = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

     * load the class
     * @param string $class
     * @return boolean
    public static function load($class) 
        $classPath = $class.'.php'; // Do whatever logic here

        foreach (self::$pathes as $path) 
            if (is_file($path . $classPath)) 
                require_once $path . $classPath;

                return true;

        return false;

Adding path:


auto-loading works, the question is about how to handle

use garcha\html; // class directory

and use classes without leading html

$tag = new Tag('p'); // not $tag = new html\Tag('p');

You could try different solutions:

First: you can add garcha/html in your pathes variable like ::addPath('garcha/html')

Second: try to use the following code in your auto loader

foreach (glob("garcha/*.php") as $filename)
    require_once $filename;

glob basically will match all files that end with .php and then you can use them to either add them to your pathes variable or just include them.

Note: you would need to slightly modify your autoloader to use above loop in it.

Edit: Try this:

public static function load($class) 
    // check if given class is directory
    if (is_dir($class)) {
       // if given class is directory, load all php files under it
       foreach(glob($class . '/*.php') as $filePath) {
          if (is_file($filePath)) 
             require_once $filePath;

             return true;
    } else {
       // otherwise load individual files (your current code)
       /* Your current code to load individual class */

    return false;

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