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Dependency injection in php?

I am currently building a little project with PHP whilst not using any static methods or global state.

My class' constructors currently look a little like this, I am just injecting the dependent objects upon creating an object instance.

class Something {

     public function __construct(Name\Space\Object $object, Other\Name\Space $object2) 
         # Assign properties here

In one of my application's classes I need to create new instances of various objects through the calling of its methods. Something a little like below;

class Something {

     public function getNewObject()
         return new Name\Space\Object();

     public function getNewObject2()
         return new Name\Space\ObjectTwo();

Is this how it should be done whilst adhering to the standard rule of dependency injection?

I am unsure how else it could be done as if I inject the object into the constructor then I will only have one instance whereas I may need many within my application?


I believe that functions are first class objects in PHP, so this should work:

class MyClass {
  function foo() {
    return 'foo';

class MyOtherClass {
  function __construct($klass) {
      $this->klass = $klass;

  function get_instance() {
    return new $this->klass();

$factory = new MyOtherClass(MyClass);
$obj     = $factory->get_instance();
// <h1> value should equal foo
<h1><?php echo $obj->foo();?></h1>

Edit: Tested and works.

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