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Batch file to move files and folders in a folder to another folder


move "C:\source\*" "C:\destination\"
@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

    set "source=c:\source"
    set "target=c:\destination"

    (if not exist "%target%\" md "%target%" ) && (
        pushd "%source%" && (
            for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /a /b *') do move "%%a" "%target%\"

Ensure that target folder exist, then, if source folder is accesible, change active directory to the source folder, and for each element inside it, execute a move operation to the target folder

This is another way: test it on sample folders first.

robocopy "C:\source" "C:\destination" /move /s

EDIT: Robocopy copies the files and then deletes the original, so will take a long time for large files, even if the source and target locations are on the same hard drive.

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