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JSF Check all checkboxes

<h:dataTable id="merchantDataTable"
        value="#{merchantManagementBean.merchants}" first="0"
        rows="#{merchantManagementBean.rowsPerPage}" var="merchant"
        columnClasses="users-colMerchant, users-colMerchantDescr,  nostyle"
        rowClasses="oddRow, evenRow">
            <f:facet name="header">
                <h:panelGrid columns="1">
                    <h:selectBooleanCheckbox />
            <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{merchant.selected}"/>

Yea so I have this code part and I need to make the main checkbox to make them all checked I can use Probably only Javascript based solution since communication with bean is going to server side.

Please have a look at the following posts:

How to create effective "select all" checkbox in JSF

how to create selectAll checkbox in JSF-2

Or you can approach this problem witj jQuery to select all checkboxes:


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