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Changing div background color with Javascript

I have photo gallery. Every photo is placed in small div. I wanted to make effect when i click on photo, to make this div red color and it works already. But now i want the red div color change back into white when i click on it again. It would be some kind of selection effect I tried to improve my js code myself but i am very bad in it and it doesnt work

Here is how my photos are displayed from the loop

echo '<div class="thisphotobox" id="'.$photoid.'"><img src="'.$numphotos['link'].'" alt="photo" class="photolink" style="background-color:white" onclick="clicked('.$photoid.');"></div>';

And this is my function

function clicked(photoid){   
    var divcolor = document.getElementById(photoid.toString()).backgroundColor;

    if (divcolor = "white"){
        document.getElementById(photoid.toString()).style.backgroundColor = 'red';
    } else {
        document.getElementById(photoid.toString()).style.backgroundColor = 'white';

It changes into red but not into white. What do i do? Please help me :D

Two problems are there

1) You are saying

var divcolor = document.getElementById(photoid.toString()).backgroundColor;

It will always return undefined you should say,

var divcolor = document.getElementById(photoid.toString()).style.backgroundColor;

2) you are saying

if (divcolor = "white")

Which is an assignment operator & never returns false , So it will never go to else condition.


if (divcolor == "white")

To avoid problems like these, you should say

if ("white" == divcolor)

So if you use = at the place of == by mistake, it will throw an syntax error.

In your comparison in the if statement you have an assignment operator, ie you've only used one = . To get a equality comparison use two, ie == ;

divcolor == "white"

Looking at what you're attempting, you might be better using a toggle feature using jQuery instead.

Hope this helps.

You can take advantage of event bubbling and the this keyword to make your code more efficient like this...

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

        function clicked(theElement) {
            var divcolor = theElement.style.backgroundColor;

            if (divcolor == "white") {
                theElement.style.backgroundColor = 'red';
            } else {
                theElement.style.backgroundColor = 'white';
        div {
            height: 200px;
            width: 200px;
            outline: 1px solid green;
    <div onclick="clicked(this);" style="background-color:white" >
        <img src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d3b62f0eaa6fcaef8d8c76ba9f8a5ea4/?default=&amp;s=160" alt="photo" class="photolink" />

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