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Where is the /dist directory after a Travis build?

I am trying to deploy an AngularJS app onto a Divshot hosting through Travis CI.

This app contains a /dist directory which is:

  • where the result of the Grunt build goes (as it does in local)
  • .gitignore d, therefore not pushed (Travis has to rebuild it)
  • set as the Divshot app's root directory

Travis installs deps and runs the build nicely, thanks to this .travis.yml file:

language: node_js
- '0.10'

  - "npm install"
  - "gem install compass"
  - "bower install"

  - "grunt build"

  provider: divshot
    master: development
    secure: ...
  skin_cleanup: true

But when it comes to the deployment, Travis says:

Error: Your app's root directory does not exists.

It's actually a message from divshot-cli because the /dist dir does not exist. I get the exact same message when I do a divshot push in local after having removed the /dist dir.

Here is a build which cannot deploy: https://travis-ci.org/damrem/anm-client/builds/35582994

How come the /dist dir does not exist on the Travis VM after install & building run OK?


It looks like this might be caused by a typo. At the bottom you have skin_cleanup: true when it should be skip_cleanup: true . If skip cleanup isn't turned on Travis will "reset" the code to the exact state of git checkout before running deploy.

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