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Find closest value in a list in C# with linq?

I've a list like this:

public List<Dictionary<int, int>> blanks { get; set; }

This keep some index values:


In addition I have also a variable named X. X can take any value. I want to find closest 'Key' value to X. For example:

If X is 1300, I want to take blanks index: 2 and Key: 1200. How can I do this via linq? Or, is there any other solution?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: What if it is not a Dictionary. What if it is a List like this:

List<List<int[]>> lastList = new List<List<int[]>>();


This time, I want to take first List's indexes and second List's index. For example, if X is 800, I want to take 0 and 0 (for index 0) and also take 1 and 1 (for index 1) How can I do this time?

var diffs = blanks.SelectMany((item, index) => item.Select(entry => new
              ListIndex = index, // Index of the parent dictionary in the list 
              Key = entry.Key, // Key
              Diff = Math.Abs(entry.Key - X) // Diff between key and X

var closestDiff = diffs.Aggregate((agg, item) => (item.Diff < agg.Diff) ? item : agg);

Dictionary<int, int> closestKeyDict = blanks[closestKey.ListIndex];
int closestKey = closestDiff.Key;
int closestKeyValue = closestKeyDict[closestKey];

The SelectMany clause flattens all the dictionaries entries into a collection of { ListIndex, DictionaryKey, Difference } instances.

This flattened collection is then aggregated to retrieve the item with the minimum difference.

To answer your second questsion:

var diffs = blanks.SelectMany((list, listIndex) => list.
                   SelectMany((array, arrayIndex) => array.
                   Select((item, itemIndex) => new
                     ListIndex = listIndex,
                     ArrayIndex = arrayIndex,
                     ItemIndex = itemIndex,
                     Diff = Math.Abs(item - X) 

var closestDiff = diffs.Aggregate((agg, item) => (item.Diff < agg.Diff) ? item : agg);

Now in closestDiff you'll find the indices of the closes item (List index, array index and array item index)

This might not be the most optimized way but it should just work,

List<Dictionary<int, int>> blanks = new List<Dictionary<int, int>>
    new Dictionary<int, int>{{100,200}},
    new Dictionary<int, int>{{500,200}},
    new Dictionary<int, int>{{700,200}},
    new Dictionary<int, int>{{1200,200}},
    new Dictionary<int, int>{{300,200}},
    new Dictionary<int, int>{{200,200}},
    new Dictionary<int, int>{{800,200}},

int x = 1300;

IEnumerable<int> keys = blanks.SelectMany(ints => ints.Keys);
var diff = keys.Select(i => Math.Abs(i - x)).ToList();
var index = diff.IndexOf(diff.Min());
var value = blanks[index].Keys.First();

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