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Xcode 6 Save for Enterprise Deployment does not create plist for ipa anymore?

Xcode 5 helped in creating plist descriptor for enterprise ipa. Xcode 6 (6A313) creates ipa only. Is this a bug or intentional change? If so - what would be the reason for taking a step back?

If I did not have previously generated plist using Xcode 5, I would need to crete it manually myself. Do you know of any automatic tool which would help in the process?

I'm having the same problem. Needed to put a build out last night. I ended up just reusing an old plist and updating it. Here's a template:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
                                        <string>[INSERT URL HERE]</string>
                                <string>[INSERT BUNDLE ID HERE]</string>
                                <string>[INSERT VERSION HERE]</string>
                                <string>[INSERT APP TITLE HERE]</string>

找不到其他解决方案,而不是重用旧的.plist -file ---完美地工作。

I fixed this issue in following manner(As @pir800 mentioned)-

1) Take plist file of an old project and rename it name should be same as ipa file.

2) Changed values of following keys in plist file - a) url. b) bundle-identifier. c) title.

And then put ipa and plist on server. Remaining things are same like Xcode5.

But it is very bad, apple should inform to developer and mention such type changes in document.

I do not my way is correct or wrong but my Enterprise In-house Distribution build properly downloaded and working. ....:)

I replied same on apple developer also. You can check this thread https://devforums.apple.com/message/1076995#1076995 also If any one find better solution then please reply.

Thank you...

To extend the accepted answer, you need to be a team member of the 299$ enterprise account. Go to Project Navigator (ProjectName) -> Targets -> General tab and select the account that is assoicated with 299$ enterprise developer account. If you cannot find the account you are looking for, go to XCode -> Preferences -> accounts and check if you are the admin / agent / team member of the said account and then proceed to make the ipa and plist file.

I'm not sure about enterprise deployment, but in XCode 7.0, you can create a manifest.plist while exporting an archive for Ad Hoc deployment...

  1. Select Product > Archive
  2. When the build finishes, select the archive you wish to export and choose "Export..."
  3. Choose "Save for Ad Hoc Deployment"
  4. Select your dev team
  5. Choose the desired option for "Device Support"
  6. On the "Summary" page, check the box beside "Include manifest for over-the-air installation." This will add a manifest.plist to the folder where the .ipa file was saved. - Click "Next"
  7. Insert the correct paths to the .ipa, display image, and full size image and click "Export"

Hope this helps.

I'm experiencing exactly the same thing, having to re-use a plist file generated from Xcode5. Just one other thing to add: The validate button, that we're presented with after archiving, does not validate my App correctly. It gets past "Preparing Archive" but then throws up an error, "No matching provisioning profiles found for Applications/plumbsApp.app" - None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements: application identifier, beta-reports-active, keychain-access-groups.

Now, dismissing this and continuing with the "Export", creates my .ipa file and my users are able to install correctly, with the correct url, of course. So, not totally sure why this is happening. I had the beta release of Xcode running but used the final release of Xcode6. Perhaps the beta, comment, in red-herring. Has anyone else experienced this, where the validation of the archive fails in this way but the App installs ok?

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