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Can't Resolve My Promise in Controller - AngularJS

I have a service function that looks like:

this.addJobRating = function(jobId, userId, rating){
    var deferred = $q.defer();
    $http.post('/to/my/api', {job_id: jobId, user_id: userId, rating: rating})
            deferred.reject('promise call failed');
    return deferred;

I can call the above in my controller like so

console.log(myService.addJobRating(646, 9999, 'good-result')

This logs the expected promise object in console log. But if I try to resolve the promise using:

myService.addJobRating(646, 9999, 'good-result').then(function(data){
}, function(data){

I get an TypeError: undefined is not a function error.

Why is this happening?


您应该从addJobRating返回promise- deferred.promise ,而不是deferred

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