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Drupal Image Display with View and Panels

Can anyone please guide me on how do I create a photobox that contains image and I wanted to display that image on landing page. I have used panel to create landing pages for my website. I need to create 7 different layout for my website. I am new to Drupal. Any help will be appreciated.

I have created specific image style for my image box by going into "Configuration -> Image Styles.

I have created Content Types for image.

For example lets say, Content type is: "Top Left Image". I have defined fields called "Image Name" and "Image" into "Top Left Image".

Then I have created one view called " Top Left Imagebox". In view, I have defined fields called Content: Image.

Formatter: Image Image Style: Selected specific image style. Link Image to: Nothing

I have used Rewrite Rule to make a view that displays image or video filed if present.

No Results Behavior: [field_image] Checked - Hide rewriting if empty Checked Rewrite the output of this field.

I have defined this view into my Landing Panel Page. But, somehow image is not displaying into the browser.

Thanks for Help!!

It can be because your ad blocker block your images. Anything that comes with names like 'ad' will be blocked be ad blocker browser add-ons.

Try switching it off if you have any enabled.

This is my best guess if you have your images in your view & you have added that view into your panel page.

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