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KnockOut.JS optionsText

I have this code:

self.Groups = ko.observableArray();
function LoginNameObject(name) {
    this.loginName = name;

self.Groups.push(new LoginNameObject('Blah'));

I am trying to bind in the html like this:

 <select data-bind="options: Groups, optionsText: loginName"></select>

but keep on getting loginName is undefined when it tries to bind. Any help would be appreciated!


In the optionsText you need to specify your property name is a string .

So you need to write

<select data-bind="options: Groups, optionsText: 'loginName'"></select>

See also in the documentation: Example 3: Drop-down list representing arbitrary JavaScript objects, not just strings

Alternatively if you need a more complex logic to calculate the option text you can also specify the optiosText as a function:

   data-bind="options: Groups, optionsText: function(item) { return item.loginName }">

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