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Sass Susy gallery: element that spans two columns

伊姆古尔 I need to make some elements of susy's gallery mixin span two columns, the problem is as shown in the picture it does not push the other elements after it, even though I tried to do that manually. How could this be done. The link to the code https://github.com/iyedg/IGBlogTheme

Here is the perfect tutorial about gallery with different size items.

And the main point is: You can't achieve this with gallery() mixin, but it's possible with span() mixin by something like

 $susy: ( columns: 12, output: isolate ); // Assuming output is set to isolate .gallery__item { margin-bottom: gutter(); @include span(4 of 12 split); &:nth-child(4), &:nth-child(7), { width: span(8 of 12 split); } } 

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