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Powershell's colors, messing with Vim + Solarized theme

Recently coming back from working on unix systems to Windows 7, I am trying to set up my Vim work environment from the basics up.

First off I wanted my favorite coloscheme, Solarized to work with Powershell as it is the one that suited me best from all terminal type software on windows that I have tried.

My problem is that it seems the colors on Powershell do not quite go together, as you can see here: CMD and Powershell , with Vim + Solarized theme as they do on the normal Command Prompt even though I believe my colors on both have been set up the same.

I have attempted to include:

let g:solarized_termcolors=256

inside of my _vimrc file as advised on the Solarized site, but it made it even worse .

I could be way off, and I assume you've probably already looked into this, but you may have to configure your user PowerShell profile to set the colours there as well.

Have a gander at the MSDN docs . But basically, you test for a profile first:

Test-Path $Profile

If false, create it:

New-Item –Type File –Force $Profile

It'll be stored in %USERPROFILE%\\Documents\\WindowsPowerShell\\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1

Then you can go about setting the default colours as detailed here:

MSDN PowerShell colours

I've never used VIM with PowerShell before though, never had any colour issues with ConEmu or Console2.

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