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rvm1/capistrano3 doesn't use gemset

I am trying to deploy a Rails 4 app to a VPS.

My Capfile, Gemfile, deploy.rb are in this gist

On cap production deploy it fails bundle install step, because it doesn't use the gemset, and keeps saying gem not found.

The relevant output from cap

INFO[90fcd8c1] Running /tmp/domain_spam_checker/rvm-auto.sh 2.1.2 bundle exec gem install --file Gemfile on DEBUG[90fcd8c1] Command: cd /home/deployer/domain_spam_checker/releases/20140922153958 && /tmp/domain_spam_checker/rvm-auto.sh 2.1.2 bundle exec gem install --file Gemfile DEBUG[90fcd8c1] [31mCould not find i18n-0.6.11 in any of the sources[0m DEBUG[90fcd8c1] [33mRun 'bundle install' to install missing gems.[0m cap aborted!


Tasks: TOP => deploy => rvm1:install:gems

How to mention the gemset to use somewhere in the setup files ?

How to get rvm1/cap3 to pickup or create the gemset ?

I've never tried rvm1/capistrano3 so can't help you there but I suggest you use capistrano/rvm instead ( link )


require 'capistrano/rvm'


set :rvm_ruby_version, '2.0.0-p247@mygemset'

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