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Load the images from the Gallery into gridview

This LazyLoading library helps me to load the images from the internet. Can i use this library to load the images from the gallery.

 imageLoader.DisplayImage(url, image);

What should i send the argurment to display the image from the gallery

Note I'm having the path of the images in the ArrayList

Imp Note : I'm also having the ArrayList of byteArray (one byte array resembles to one image). So then how can i use the library

Edit I encrypted some images from the gallery and stored in SDCard and i need to display the encrypted images in my app(I know the path of the encrypted images) Encryption is done in Byte[] level.

Please suggest me. ThankYou

Can i use this library to load the images from the gallery?

Gallery itself a application which is showing images from your local folder. So if you have a local image you can show it by its path in your App. You just need to add file in your image path to make path as URI. Like

String URL = "file:///mnt/sdcard/image.png"; // from SD card

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