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New Xcode 6 Project - How to run in the iOS 7 Simulator

I try to create a new project with Xcode 6 that also runs on iOS 7. I've created a new project and then did the following:

  1. Set Project's iOS Deployment Target to 7.0
  2. Referenced a Launch Image Source in the Assets

Still, when trying to run on an iOS 7 simulator, the following error is shown:

"iPhone 5s not available. Please select a different device and try again."

(My older projects run fine on iOS 7 simulators.)

How I can make a new project run in the iOS 7 simulator?


The output of xcrun simctl list is the following:

== Device Types ==
iPhone 4s (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-4s)
iPhone 5 (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-5)
iPhone 5s (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-5s)
iPhone 6 Plus (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-6-Plus)
iPhone 6 (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-6)
iPad 2 (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-2)
iPad Retina (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-Retina)
iPad Air (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPad-Air)
Resizable iPhone (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Resizable-iPhone)
Resizable iPad (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Resizable-iPad)
== Runtimes ==
iOS 7.0 (7.0 - Unknown) (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-7-0) (unavailable, runtime path not found)
iOS 7.1 (7.1 - Unknown) (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-7-1) (unavailable, runtime path not found)
iOS 8.0 (8.0 - 12A365) (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-8-0)
== Devices ==
-- iOS 7.0 --
    iPhone 4s (9A55186B-9B91-4526-A2AB-EF0C49F592A4) (Shutdown) (unavailable)
    iPhone 5 (D326EE14-21DA-4FA5-A229-F0BACDA6C9F3) (Shutdown) (unavailable)
    iPhone 5s (1AC03181-38D5-4C24-9928-4EFDE83D0ACD) (Shutdown) (unavailable)
    iPad 2 (212A00A7-1D1F-4392-8AE6-24C46EA9A507) (Shutdown) (unavailable)
    iPad Retina (9471D6C8-DDE7-4D08-B015-89CA02ED4C46) (Shutdown) (unavailable)
    iPad Air (E84ADD9C-7BA4-4EBF-B98E-DB6EAF99EFA6) (Shutdown) (unavailable)
-- iOS 7.1 --
    iPhone 4s (836A9B30-D104-4D54-98A2-479F7F35F4EC) (Shutdown) (unavailable)
    iPhone 5 (39EB7E74-4665-492B-9097-F454D083CFD8) (Shutdown) (unavailable)
    iPhone 5s (DAE6E1F3-E4F1-4D4F-9C16-73B495A08415) (Shutdown) (unavailable)
    iPad 2 (D34D496D-39CA-4D2E-9C6A-C5EB7B62C8DC) (Shutdown) (unavailable)
    iPad Retina (8EFF2BF2-F639-46C2-AB21-8B28858DF778) (Shutdown) (unavailable)
    iPad Air (434AB478-DD08-481D-A75D-3EA94A440814) (Shutdown) (unavailable)
-- iOS 8.0 --
    iPhone 4s (EEAA9E7C-867E-4E71-99CE-A5C729FB2F21) (Shutdown)
    iPhone 5 (DA90266D-1FF5-4E84-B806-DBE49F1A86DB) (Shutdown)
    iPhone 5s (B673A5D8-7992-41AE-9B43-200C064ECFDA) (Shutdown)
    iPhone 6 Plus (19F9C682-B4D8-488B-82C4-8B5BAD8D38FB) (Shutdown)
    iPhone 6 (2FCC7DD6-2274-4B7F-A151-1A49AB31AE65) (Booted)
    iPad 2 (801852DD-7EFA-4336-9686-42C5D65DAABD) (Shutdown)
    iPad Retina (314D3C76-6D20-466B-AD61-567CE202556F) (Shutdown)
    iPad Air (5B47FA82-F1F6-43C2-A373-BABBEFA0AB22) (Shutdown)
    Resizable iPhone (8F4B8FAF-AEB9-4782-AC09-6F8B4BDD37AA) (Shutdown)
    Resizable iPad (DEBDB255-8650-4B8D-B161-D9FA26331ACD) (Shutdown)

I meet this problem too.

  1. Preferences -> Downloads -> Components
  2. Then click the download button.

    • If you've downloaded them before, Xcode will install them directly.

Maybe you've just update your Xcode. Xcode 6 is not installed 7.x simulators as default. However, you installed them on previous version Xcode.

In the Devices window, delete all devices one by one. Now add them back one by one. Now restart the computer (not just Xcode). This will leave you with only good devices and you'll know whether you need to download the older simulators.

I resolve this issue by performing the following steps:

1) From my Xcode 6.1 --> Opens available simulators/devices Devices List.

2) Then Click on the bottom of the list more simulator button --> Download simulator windows opens.

3) Download your desire simulator 7.0 or 7.1 or both.

If simulators downloaded before,then Xcode will install them automatically.

Check the Screen Shots:


Hope this will help you out cheers.

Based on the output of simctl list, you should see the 8.0 simulators in Xcode but not the 7.x simulators. The 7.x simulators will appear once you download and install the 7.x simulator runtimes.

I face the same problem. And I have fixed it. When you update to Xcode 6.0+, the Xcode will break the runtime of iOS 7 simulators. Though you have the Devices of iOS 7.1 but without runtime, the simulators are not available. You must download the 7.1 runtime again.

But we all know download the simulators in Xcode is very painful. An easier way is to copy the "iOS 7.1 SDKs" form other's Mac (in /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs).

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