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Creating CampaignResponse in CRM 2013

I'm trying to create a CampaignResponse using late-bound method in Dynamics 2013.

I found this document http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb959317.aspx but noticed that this is for Dynamics 4.0 and a lot of the Entity attribute types have changed. One example is that campaignresponse 's ownerid used to be a Lookup and I believe now is EntityReference .

I can't find updated information on Entities. How can I properly create a CampaignResponse using late-bound?

There isn't so much different in creating CampaignResponse than another entity.

Late bound will be something similar to this example:

Entity campaignResponse = new Entity("campaignresponse");
campaignResponse["subject"] = "My Campaign Response"
campaignResponse["regardingobjectid"] = new EntityReference("campaign", campaignId);
// other fields

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