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Basic REST API with Nodejs and Express4

I have been trying to create a quick REST API using Nodejs and Express4 as I need an API quickly to make a prototype. While I need all basic CRUD operations, I tried to run the example from the following URL: http://runnable.com/U7bnCsACcG8MGzEc/restful-api-with-node-js-express-4 The example at this address only supports GET, but I believe I could quickly adapt it to support POST, PUT and DELETE. I do not care of having the data on memory, it is even preferable.

You can click to see the code there.

However, once I have started my server and go on http://localhost:8080/players

I get "Cannot GET /players" in my browser.

Any idea? If somebody has another short/quick example of a REST API with Nodejs with in-memory persistence, I'll take it as well :)

If you want to create quick API with CRUD operation then try npm deployd , but there is not express. If u love to code then use express-generator

Please refer following code to create REST API using ExpressJS.


var express = require("express");
var mysql   = require("mysql");
var bodyParser  = require("body-parser");
var rest = require("./REST.js");
var app  = express();

function REST(){
    var self = this;

REST.prototype.connect_to_mysql = function() {
    var self = this;
    var pool      =    mysql.createPool({
        connectionLimit : 100,
        host     : 'localhost',
        user     : 'root',
        password : '',
        database : 'restful_api_demo',
        debug    :  false
        if(err) {
        } else {

REST.prototype.configureExpress = function(connection) {
      var self = this;
      app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
      var router = express.Router();
      app.use('/api', router);
      var rest_router = new rest(router,connection);

REST.prototype.start_server = function() {
          console.log("All right ! I am alive at Port 3000.");

REST.prototype.stop = function(err) {
    console.log("ISSUE WITH MYSQL \n" + err);

new REST(); // Instantiate class.


function REST_ROUTER(router,connection) {
    var self = this;

REST_ROUTER.prototype.handle_routes = function(router,connection) {
        res.json({"Message" : "Hello World !"});

module.exports = REST_ROUTER;

Link : http://codeforgeek.com/2015/03/restful-api-node-and-express-4/

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