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Dart-Editor Hide / Remove Toolbars

since dart really is built around this horrendous dart-editor, I would at least like to make it as emacs-like as possible.

I already use a gtk file to set everything to minimal, but I can't figure out how to hide the System-Bar (File, Edit, ...) and the Tool-Bar (Run, ...) as well as the Bottom-Bar showing position in text etc.

Is it possible to hide (all of) these toolbars?

Is there a shortcut for opening/closing the File-Browser so I don't have to have it open at all times?


You can't.

DartEditor was built to have an easy start with Dart and it is quite powerful and tailored to Dart.
If you want more or other features you should consider using one of the other supported editors or IDEs.

See https://www.dartlang.org/tools/ for a list of editors or IDEs that have Dart support.

Sublime support was improved a lot recently and WebStorm 9 (preview version) also has quite good Dart support already.
I haven't tried others yet.

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