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Javascript uncaught error undefined is not a function in listener

 var HelloWorldLayer = cc.Layer.extend({
    var myWorld;
            var winsize = cc.director.getWinSize();
    myWorld = new cc.Sprite(res.HelloWorld_png);
        x: winsize.width / 2,
        y: winsize.height / 2,
        scale: 1,
        rotation: 180
    this.addChild(myWorld, 0);
    var centerpos = cc.p(winsize.width / 2, winsize.height / 2);
        event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ALL_AT_ONCE,
        onTouchesBegan: function(touches, event) {
            var spritebg;
            for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
                spritebg = cc.Sprite.create(res.Hat_png);
                     (Math.floor(Math.random() * 600) + 100),
                     (Math.floor(Math.random() * 600) + 100));              
    }), this);


No matter what I do, I keep getting the same error when I try to add the child when I click on the screen. I'm new to javascript and don't really get the language. I got the same error message when I tried adding the children inside of a function.

Having had a look at the Cocos2D reference for cc.Sprite , it seems that there isn't a method appendChild on the Sprite object. The error you are getting is because you are trying to call a method that does not exist.

Perhaps you wanted myWorld.addChild(spritebg); instead?

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