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javascript click image display

What I'm trying to do is, when one of six divs is clicked, a separate div will have 3 specific divs appear in it. Each of the original six divs have three similar but different divs related to it.


$(document).ready(function () {

How do I make it so that when you click a "talkbubble" div, a different "sidebar" div appears with all its contained elements, and when you mouseout, the first talkbubble div automatically activates?

Here is a demo of how to do this: http://jsfiddle.net/n1xb48z8/2/

The main part of this example is some javascript that looks like this:

        var sidebarIndex = $(this).data('sidebar-index');


function showSideBar(index){
    $('.sidebarContent[data-index="' + index + '"]').show();

.data('some-name') will get you the attribute data-some-name="" on the specific element, this is a html 5 attribute and if you do not want to use it you can instead give each of the elements their own class names such as:

<div class="sidebarContent subBarContent_1">
    <!-- content -->

and use the '.subBarContent_1' as your jquery selector instead. You would then also have to have some sort of data attached to your clickable divs to identify which one you wanna show, you could use a hidden field to do that like:

<input type="hidden" class="subContentSelector" value="subBarContent_1" />

The javascript for that looks like this:

        var sidebarSelector = $(this).find('.subContentSelector').val();
        showSideBar(sidebarSelector );


function showSideBar(selector){
    $('.sidebarContent.' + selector).show();

Ps. the overflow:hidden css is because chrome was messing up the placement of the sidebar content otherwise... oh chrome, you silly goose

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