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jQuery .get - Specific HTML ID (Not Whole Page)

I am trying to use jQuery ajax to call in a project page.

Assume the xhr variable contains the correct string to the webpage (target page). I have prevented the page as mobile viewport will not load the ajax request.

$('a.project__block').on('click', function(e){

    var $el = $(this),
        viewportWidth = $(window).width();

    if (viewportWidth >= 768){

        var xhr = $.get($(e.currentTarget).data('href'));

                alert('Could Not Connect, please report to admin!');


function open_overlay(data){

function close_overlay_window(){

function supporting_code(){
    $('.ajax__close__link').on('click', close_overlay_window);

function remove__active__classes(){
    // Is the overlay active? If not dont close!
    if (viewportWidth < 768 && $('body').hasClass('active--overlay')){

I want to target the specific id which remains constant in all the project pages, eg:

<div id="wrapper__container"></div>

At present I am getting this error:


Ideally can in addition see modernizr being loaded in which causes my page to crash.

Any ideas?

Is this what you're trying to do? Append just the wrapper?

function open_overlay(data){
    var container = $(data).find('#wrapper__container');

I would see if that makes your warning go away. Just looking at the warning, it looks like Google Maps isn't happy about something.

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