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Lost connection to “iOS Simulator” for the first time in Xcode 6.0.1

When I run my iOS application in the Simulator for the first time in Xcode 6.0.1, I got this error message:

Lost connection to "iPad 2".

Restore the connection to "iPad 2" and run "App Name” again, or if "App Name" is still > > running, you can attach to it by selecting Debug > Attach to Process > App Name.


Can any one suggest how I can solve this error message? After I stop running and rebuild, everything works fine.

Follow 2 steps :

1- sudo DevToolsSecurity -enable 2- Edit Scheme -> Run -> Debug excitable , uncheck this checkbox it will be ok !

You will now be able to run on simulator. This worked for me.

Same here. I thinks that is the bug of XCode .

Just stop running and Run Again. This way is working fine for me.

This is a known issue with iOS 8.0 and earlier, but changes in iOS 8.0 make the issue more likely to occur than in past versions.

In addition to the lost connection message, other appearances of this bug will be an ESRCH error message (POSIX domain, 3 code), an FBS* domain with code 4, or your app getting SIGKILL and dropped to debugger. I think there may be one more message for this bug, but those are the main 4 behaviors. Which one you gets depends on exactly what point in the launch you lost the race.

At present, the workaround is just to retry Build&Run or launch the installed app in the sim and attach to the running process with the debugger.

Reseting the simulator content and settings would solve the problem. From iOS Simulator drop down select Reset Content and Settings, after that build and run again. I hope that helps.

This happens less frequently in Xcode 6.2 as compared to Xcode 6 beta version. Only solution is to Re-run your project . This seems to be bug.

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