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C# Sharepoint Get current user under whitch code running

I have code from tutorial, code running on WCF service under DOMAIN\\AppPoolAccount

But code except that Access Denied, how determinate user?

using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://portal.local"))
                SPServiceContext serviceContext = SPServiceContext.GetContext(site);

                UserProfileManager userProfileMgr = new UserProfileManager(serviceContext);
                ProfilePropertyManager profilePropMgr = new UserProfileConfigManager(serviceContext).ProfilePropertyManager;

                // Retrieve all properties for the "UserProfile" profile subtype,
                // and retrieve the property values for a specific user.
                ProfileSubtypePropertyManager subtypePropMgr = profilePropMgr.GetProfileSubtypeProperties("UserProfile");
                UserProfile userProfile = userProfileMgr.GetUserProfile(accountName);
                IEnumerator<ProfileSubtypeProperty> userProfileSubtypeProperties = subtypePropMgr.GetEnumerator();
                while (userProfileSubtypeProperties.MoveNext())
                    string propName = userProfileSubtypeProperties.Current.Name;
                    ProfileValueCollectionBase values = userProfile.GetProfileValueCollection(propName);
                    if (values.Count > 0)

                        // Handle multivalue properties.
                        foreach (var value in values)
                            Console.WriteLine(propName + ": " + value.ToString());
                        Console.WriteLine(propName + ": ");
                Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to change the values.");

                // Change the value of a single-value user property.
                userProfile[PropertyConstants.Department].Value = "SDDDD";


How determinate user?

Use SPWeb.CurrentUser property to determine the current user:

using (var site = new SPSite(siteUrl))
    using (var web = site.OpenWeb())
        var currentUser = web.CurrentUser;


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