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angular ui-router states with multiple views & controller instantiation

Ok, I have a reasonable amount of experience with angular and ui-router, but I'm running into an issue when it comes to the architecture of my app. I have some states like:


.state('main', {
    abstract: true,
    controller: 'MainCtrl',
    template: '<div ui-view />'
}).state('main.clients', {
    url: '/clients/:id',
    views: {
        list: {controller: 'ClientListCtrl', templateUrl: 'client-list.html'},
        detail: {controller: 'ClientDetailCtrl', templateUrl: 'client-detail.html'}
}.state('main.services', {
    url: '/services/:id',
    views: {
        list: {...},
        detail: {...}


    <div ui-view='list'></div>
    <div ui-view='detail'></div>


    <li data-ng-click='$state.go('main.clients({id: client.id})' 
        data-ng-repeat='client in clients'>

This all seems to work fine, and views are populated as I would expect. My main question is, when I'm in the main.clients state and a user clicks on the client name, the $state.go(...) fires, it re-initializes the ClientListCtrl and ClientDetailCtrl , even though the state didn't actually change (well, the :id portion of the url did) .

Am I misusing multiple views? Would a change of architecture be advisable? Just trying to wrap my head around how to structure this in the most efficient way, and the controller re-initialization doesn't seem like it's necessary in this case, but I'm probably missing something. Thanks!

Reload on state or its param change is what we want (I would say) in 99% cases. New params would mean different list/detail.

But there is a setting:


Boolean (default true) . If false will not retrigger the same state just because a search/query parameter has changed. Useful for when you'd like to modify $location.search() without triggering a reload.

I created an example here showing how to turn of the reload on search.

  • State changes do trigger reload,
  • params changes do not


  .state('index', {
      url: '/index/:area',
    .state('index.detail', {
      url: '/detail/:id',
      reloadOnSearch : false,

Would say, that the default behaviour is what we need, even with resolvers. But ... check that change in action here

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