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How to create button column in radgrid dynamically in asp.net?

How to create button column in radgrid dynamically in asp.net?

I have a radgrid in My Page. I want to create button column in radgrid dynamically. I create columns and set command name for them.When I click on one of item and go to ItemCommand event , command name is null (""). Why command name is empty?

I have a data table that contain 3 column.

all columns the first , dynamically generate.

private void createColumnToGrid(DataTable dtData)
        radGridTicketByFlagList.DataSource = new string[] { };

        for (int i = 0; i < dtData.Columns.Count; i++)
                GridButtonColumn col = new GridButtonColumn();
                col.ButtonType = GridButtonColumnType.LinkButton;
                col.CommandName = "Total";
                col.UniqueName = "TCFlag" + i;
                col.HeaderText = dtData.Columns[i].ToString();

                col.DataTextField = dtData.Columns[i].ToString();



Then fill data source of radgrid.

     private void FillRptTicketByFlagMonthList()
         radGridTicketByFlagList.DataSource = new string[] { };
         DataTable dtTicketFlag= clsReportManager.GetRptTicketByFlag(); // fill data table

         radGridTicketByFlagList.DataSource = dtTicketFlag;

grid is generated. When I click on a item in grid (link button) , and go to ItemCommand event, e.CommandName is empty. Why??

I want to When I click on item , do an action for me.

Some time ago i had same problem, then i used this tip from telerik forum:


so sum up, you need to add to your grid Rebind() after creating button column.

Maybe there is some other way to make it works, but i don't know them :(

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