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how to apply sorting on model method in CGridView Yii

I have User mode l which contain a function that calculates the average revenue per user. Now i want apply sorting in CGridView on the column which is associated with getAvgRevenue() function. While license is relation in the User model.

Here is my code,

 public class User{
     public function getAvgRevenue(){
        $count = 0;
        $revenue = 0;
        foreach ($this->license as $license){

            $revenue += $license->price;

        if($count!= 0){
            $averageRevenue = $revenue/$count;
            return $averageRevenue;
            return null;


In Controller

  $modelUser = new CActiveDataProvider('User', array( 
            'sort' => array(
                    'attributes' => array(
                    'defaultOrder' => array(
                            'user_id' => CSort::SORT_ASC,

In view

  <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
     'id' => 'user-grid',
    'dataProvider' => $modelUser,
     'columns' => array(
                    'header' => 'User ID',
                    'name' => 'user_id',
                    'header' => 'Email',
                    'name' => 'email',
                'header'=>'Average Revenue',


Sorting is applicable on user_id and email but Average Revenue column is not sortable. how to specify model method in sort() of CActiveDataprovider Please help me to solve the problem.

Try this:

$modelUser = new CActiveDataProvider('User', array( 
        'sort' => array(
                'attributes' => array(
                        'avgRevenue' //here's the change for you
                'defaultOrder' => array(
                        'user_id' => CSort::SORT_ASC,

And your gridview column should be:

            'header'=>'Average Revenue',

and you can read more info on it over here:


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