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How can I add a footer panel in my page in Windows phone?

I have this page xaml file, which has a header panel and a scrollViewer which uses up the height of the screen left by the header panel.

My question is how can I add a footer panel at the bottom of the screen so that the scrollViewer just uses up the height left by both header and footer panels?

    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="*"/>

        <!-- Header Panel -->
        <StackPanel Grid.Row="0" Margin="19,0,0,0">
            <TextBlock x:Uid="Header" Text="MyApplication" Margin="0,12,0,0"/>
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" Margin="0,-6.5,0,26.5" CharacterSpacing="{ThemeResource PivotHeaderItemCharacterSpacing}" />

         <!-- Content Panel -->
         <ScrollViewer Grid.Row="1" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled">

            <<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding MyCollection}" />

        <!-- Footer Panel -->
        <StackPanel Grid.Row="2" Margin="19,0,0,0">
            <TextBlock x:Uid="Header" Text="Footer"  Margin="0,12,0,0"/>
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" Margin="0,-6.5,0,26.5" />

Your existing XAML markup looks fine except row definitions part (definition for the 3rd row, the row to place footer panel, missing) :

    <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
    <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
    <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>

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