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Bootstrap for Ember using Ember CLI; can't get popovers component to work

I'm stuck here...

http://ember-addons.github.io/bootstrap-for-ember/#/show_components/popover shows the documentation on how this is supposed to work...quoted below may be the bit I'm not understanding (it's a little confusing because this all mentions tooltips and not popovers but I'm making a leap that since it's all in the same documentation that it's all related...)

For Popover support, it is required to adapt the application route and add a named outlet to your main template and reference a controller that extends from Bootstrap.TooltipBoxController

//Create some controller in your app that references Bootstrap.TooltipBoxController App.TooltipBoxController = Bootstrap.TooltipBoxController

//Application route App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
    renderTemplate: function() {
        // Render default outlet
        // render extra outlets
        var controller = this.controllerFor('tooltip-box');
        this.render("bs-tooltip-box", {
            outlet: "bs-tooltip-box",
            controller: controller,
            into: "application" // important when using at root level
    } });

Ok fine, so in templates/application.hbs I added this bit:

{{outlet bs-tooltip-box}}

Then, at routes/application.js I added what it said:

renderTemplate: function() {
    // Render default outlet
    // render extra outlets
    var controller = this.controllerFor('tooltip-box');
    this.render("bs-tooltip-box", {
        outlet: "bs-tooltip-box",
        controller: controller,
        into: "application" // important when using at root level

Predictably, upon rebuilding, I get an error that controller named 'tooltip-box' doesn't exist. So I create one: ember g controller tooltip-box Ok, great, now it doesn't puke on that part.

Now here's were things go sideways for me... I'm trying to do this bit:

//Create some controller in your app that references _Bootstrap.TooltipBoxController_
App.TooltipBoxController = Bootstrap.TooltipBoxController

So my assumption is that instead of the generated blueprint of:

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({

I'm guessing need it to say something like this??: <-- this is where I'm stuck

import Bootstrap from 'somewhere I cant seem to figure out';

export default Bootstrap.TooltipBoxController.extend({

Additional information: I've added this to a template that's otherwise working fine:

<h2 {{bs-bind-popover testme}}>Click for a popover</h2>

And in the appropriate controller, I've added:

testme: Ember.Object.create({
    title: "Hello world!",
    content: "yup",
    placement: "left"

It's not complaining about the {{bs-bind-popover}} handlebars and I've tested a couple of other things included and they seem to work OK so I'm fairly confident that I've added the assets to the project properly, etc.

Solved it myself.

My issue was misunderstanding of how things are plugged in via ember-cli...and frankly I'm still not 100% clear as some things appear to need to be imported when used, some things create a namespace under Ember and this one (bootstrap for Ember) just sticks Bootstrap as a global namespace. So, the answer to this is that I had everything right, except...

import Bootstrap from 'somewhere I cant seem to figure out';

export default Bootstrap.TooltipBoxController.extend({

Should've just been...

export default Bootstrap.TooltipBoxController.extend({

...no import needed, though you'll want some jshint comments or else it'll complain at build-time that it isn't defined (hence why I assumed it needed to be imported I guess).

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