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Rails image_tag doesn't show

I have the following image tag in my view:

<%= image_tag "http://cdn2.sponsorpay.com/app_icons/26600/big_mobile_icon.png" %>

When I go to the url directly the image is visible, but embedded into my site, it doesn't show.

Any ideas why this happens?

Edit: Must have to do with the link. As

<img src="http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131004141939/clashofclans/de/images/6/62/Barbar.png">

works, while:

<img src="http://cdn2.sponsorpay.com/app_icons/26600/big_mobile_icon.png">

doesn't work.

I tried just adding an <img> tag with that link to a page using Chrome's console and received an ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT message. It seems that the service hosting the image has disallowed other domains from requesting it.

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