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Controller-based Associations/Relations in SailsJS

Say I have a ShoppingCart model with a one-to-many relation to an Item model (ie A shopping cart can be full of different items).

I can obviously create a new shopping cart like so:

POST /api/shoppingcart

What I'd like to create is a RESTful API where an item can be added (or updated) to that shopping cart like this:

POST /api/shoppingcart/:shoppingCartId/item
PUT /api/shoppingcart/:shoppingCartId/item/:itemId

From the research I've done so far this doesn't seem built-in to SailsJS. I'd prefer to stay away from manually setting these routes. Is there a way I can automate the route with the ShoppingCartController ?

Never mind, found out Sails does it as long as you have the config rest option enabled.

It works with GET , POST , and DELETE methods.


Check the source: https://github.com/balderdashy/sails/blob/master/lib/hooks/blueprints/index.js#L319

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