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How to change url based on input type selected using javaScript/Jquery?

I have a form

 <form name="categoryform" method="post">
 Category:<select name="category" id="category" >
 <option value="games">games</option>
 <option value="books">books</option>
 <option value="toys">toys</option>
 <option value="clothes">clothes</option>

 Age: <select  multiple name="age" id="age" >
 <option value="5">5</option>
 <option value="10">10</option>
 <option value="15">15</option>
 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"/>

Initially the url is http://localhost/childzone/

If I select the option books from Category the URL must change to http://localhost/childzone/books and when I select option clothes the url must be http://localhost/childzone/clothes .

If I also select age=5 from the dropdown age the url must be http://localhost/childzone/clothes&age=5 . For multiple options selected ie, if I select 5 and 10 both from age the url must be http://localhost/childzone/clothes&age=5,10 .

How do I get such a URL. I am new to php, can anyone help. Thank you in advance

These for redirection script without refreshing the page.Let me know if these works buddy

function submitnow_urlchange(){
        var cat = jQuery("#category option:selected").val();
        var age = jQuery("#age option:selected");
        var age_holder = [];
          var el = jQuery(this);
          var hold = el.val();
          if(el.val()) age_holder.push(hold);   

        var age_compile = age_holder.join(',');
        var url = cat+"&"+age_compile;
        history.pushState("", "", url);
        return false;

Here is one more detailed jQuery solution :


//Generate url for category
$("select[name='category']").change(function(e) {
    var a = "http://localhost/childzone/";
    $("div.url").append(a + this.value);

  //Generate URL for the multi-select age list
  var foo = [];
  var a = "http://localhost/childzone/clothes&age=";
  var b = '';
  $("select[name='age']").change(function(e) {
    $("select[name='age'] :selected").each(function(i, selected) {
      foo[i] = $(selected).text();
      if (b == '') b = b + foo[i]; //if more than one option selected, seperate it by comma.
      else b = b + ',' + foo[i];
    $("div.url").html(a + b); //Append URL to div for reference
    b = ''; //Clear the string holding URL.

Just we need to call submit event by taking the URL which I appended on the div.url .

Complete working fiddle HERE

//on books select event use

//on clothes select event use

without refreshing :-

 //on books select event use
window.history.replaceState(null, "Search Results", "localhost/childzone/books")

//on books select event use
window.history.replaceState(null, "Search Results", "localhost/childzone/books")

This is not possible. Since if you try to change the url then page will get refresh. Then your selection will reset. You can do this by appending # or you have to maintain selected values somehow and set them again.

Try this bro add on your form the onsubmit="submitnow()" so the function may work.Let me know if it has an issues

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
function submitnow(){
        var cat = jQuery("#category option:selected").val();
        var age = jQuery("#age option:selected");
        var age_holder = [];
          var el = jQuery(this);
          var hold = el.val();
          if(el.val()) age_holder.push(hold);   

        var age_compile = age_holder.join(',');
        var url = "http://localhost/childzone/?"+cat+"&"+age_compile;
        return url;

<form name="categoryform" method="post" onsubmit="submitnow();">

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