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Internet Explorer Function Inside a Function Does Not Work

I have that script:

 var information = function() { this.paco= function() { console.log("function called"); }; this.paco(); }(); 

and this:

var information = function() {    

  var paco= function() {  
    console.log("function called");



but this works:

var information = function() {    
  this.paco= function() {  
    console.log("function called");


it works at Firefox but does not work at Internet Explorer and does not log any error to console. When I try to call a function inside information I get this log:

Object doesn't support this action

Here is some info: http://www.spilgames.com/javascript-bug-in-internet-explorer-8-and-older/ I can not put all the code because there are many scripts calls each other. Any ideas?

I found the reason. It was because of

console.log("function called");

It was not working at Internet Explorer 9. There is an explanation here: Does IE9 support console.log, and is it a real function?

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