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CakeSession::write() Not working on remote server, but works fine on localhost

I have this code which authenticate user for login and it works fine on localhost but on remote server does not work. It only loads and stays on the login page. But when username or password is wrong it gives the error message well.

            $data = $this->request->data;
           $password = sha1($data['password']);
            $email = $data['email'];

            $authUser = $this->User->find('first', array('conditions' => array('User.email' =>
            $email, 'User.password' => $password)));
            if(count($authUser) > 0){

                CakeSession::write('loggedInUser', $authUser['User']['id']);
                CakeSession::write('loggedInName', $authUser['User']['first_name'].' '.$authUser['User']['last_name']);
                CakeSession::write('verStatus', $authUser['User']['verified']);

                if(null != CakeSession::read('loggedInUser')){



               $loginError = 'Invalid username or password';
                $this->set('invalid', $loginError);

Can any one have an idea of what is happening? My Cakephp version is 2.5.4

Try using

$this->Session->write('loggedInName',$authUser['User']['first_name'].' '.$authUser['User']['last_name']);

same for session->read .

Like this . And check PHP version at both sides.

Read This

Also clear cache , temp folder , switch core.php -> debug to 2 , then again to 0.



That problem can be from file session storing permissions on dedicated server, for skip this issue you can save session in to database, please follow the link below and look at my answer (about configure session and create new table for it). Session Permission Denied on AWS after setting up Cake php. Hope it will be helpful for you.

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