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Internet Explorer 11 no such interface supported with javascript window.open() function

I have two machines here at work, both are Windows 7 64 Bit machines with Internet Explorer 11 on them. When visiting any sites that use javascripts window.open() command, the following error occurs:

no such interface supported

and the page requested is never opened.

From researching this, if found that Microsoft says to install the latest cumulative update for Internet Explorer to fix this problem:


It's already installed on both systems with the problem. This error still occurs even though with IE patch is installed. For that matter, all current MS updates/patches have been installed on both systems.

Any ideas on this one?? Not sure what else to try?? Sure, they can use firefox or chrome but sometimes IE has to be used...Argg!!!


It appears that IE 11 version 11.0.9600.17280 doesn't have this problem while version 11.0.12 does. Bother running on Windows 7 64 bit machines..

Verify that you have this Microsoft update installed:

Windows 7


You can check Control Panel > Programs and Features > View installed updates, and look for 2936068

Windows 8.1


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