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Multiple selectors using this and variable

I created a quick tab section on a website. On click, jQuery grabs the data-slide and uses that info to find a matching ID and applies a class.

<div class="service-link" data-slide="#post-123">Click Me</div>

'target' does not get the active class applied to it when I use 'this' and target on the same line.

$(this, target).addClass("active");

It works if I use two lines. Anybody know why I cant use one line?


Full Working Script -

    var target = $(this).data("slide");
    $(".service-type-slide, .service-link").removeClass("active");

You could use the add() method to achieve this:


Example Here

You were trying:

$(this, target).addClass("active");

which is basically equivalent to using:


That's why it wasn't working.

You can see an example demonstrating this here .

I think that:

   $(this, target)

will try to find the node element (which this refer to) inside the target context. but it wont find it, because target does not contains that element

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