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Knockout computed property not binding

I am having trouble binding a computed variable using Knockout. Here is some simplified code of the problem. I have a computed variable selectedClientStrategy which should be an array of strategy objects when set. I can see it in the pre data-bind but it is not populating the second select in the page. Any help appreciated.


    <select data-bind="visible:dealClients().length > 0, options: dealClients, optionsText: 'clientName', value: selectedClient"></select>
    <br />
    <select data-bind="visible:selectedClientStrategies().length > 0, options: selectedClientStrategies, optionsText: 'strategyName'"></select>

<pre data-bind="text: ko.toJSON($data, null, 2)"></pre>

//client object
function client(data) {
    var jClient = $.parseJSON(data);

    this.clientId = ko.observable(jClient.documentId);
    this.clientName = ko.observable(jClient.company.companyName);
    this.clientDescription = ko.observable(jClient.company.companyDescription);
    this.clientStrategies = ko.observableArray([]);
    for (var i = 0; i < jClient.strategies.length; i++)
        this.clientStrategies.push(new strategy(jClient.strategies[i]));
//strategy object
function strategy(data) {

    this.strategyId = ko.observable(data.documentId);
    this.strategyName = ko.observable(data.strategyName);
    this.strategyClientId = ko.observable(data.clientId);
// Overall viewmodel for this screen, along with initial state
function dealViewModel() {
    var self = this;
    self.dealClients = ko.observableArray([]);
    self.selectedClient = ko.observable();
    self.selectedClientStrategies = ko.computed(function ()

        if (self.selectedClient())
            return self.selectedClient().clientStrategies;

            return [new strategy({strategyId: "", strategyName: "", strategyClientId: ""})];


    self.clientData = ko.observable();

            function (data)
                for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
                    self.dealClients.push(new client(data[i]));

ko.applyBindings(new dealViewModel());

sample JSON from ajax call

  documentId: "client_1",
  documentType: "client",
  company: {
    documentId: "company_97",
    documentType: "company",
    companyName: "gg",
    companyDescription: ""
  strategies: [
      documentId: "strategy_1",
      documentType: "strategy",
      clientId: "client_1",
      strategyName: "af"
      documentId: "strategy_10",
      documentType: "strategy",
      clientId: "client_1",
      strategyName: "gdf"
      documentId: "strategy_2",
      documentType: "strategy",
      clientId: "client_1",
      highriseId: "fi",
      strategyName: "fi"
      documentId: "strategy_3",
      documentType: "strategy",
      clientId: "client_1",
      strategyName: "rp"
      documentId: "strategy_4",
      documentType: "strategy",
      clientId: "client_1",
      strategyName: "ad"
      documentId: "strategy_5",
      documentType: "strategy",
      clientId: "client_1",
      strategyName: "Df"
      documentId: "strategy_6",
      documentType: "strategy",
      clientId: "client_1",
      strategyName: "g"
      documentId: "strategy_7",
      documentType: "strategy",
      clientId: "client_1",
      strategyName: "eme"
      documentId: "strategy_8",
      documentType: "strategy",
      clientId: "client_1",
      strategyName: "ff"
      documentId: "strategy_9",
      documentType: "strategy",
      clientId: "client_1",
      strategyName: "ggr"
  documentId: "client_2",
  documentType: "client",
  company: {
    documentId: "company_100",
    documentType: "company",
    companyName: "Mmm",
    companyDescription: "mm"

  strategies: [
      documentId: "strategy_11",
      documentType: "strategy",
      clientId: "client_2",
      strategyName: "GG"
      documentId: "strategy_12",
      documentType: "strategy",
      clientId: "client_2",
      strategyName: "EM"
      documentId: "strategy_13",
      documentType: "strategy",
      clientId: "client_2",
      strategyName: "DG"
      documentId: "strategy_14",
      documentType: "strategy",
      clientId: "client_2",
      strategyName: "GG "
      documentId: "strategy_15",
      documentType: "strategy",
      clientId: "client_2",
      strategyName: "mm"

The selectedClientStrategies is dependent on the selectedClient and the selectedClient is not initialized, so in this case you should return an array of strategy: return [new strategy({strategyId: "", strategyName: "", strategyClientId: ""})]; and it should be: return self.selectedClient().clientStrategies(); in case the selectedClient has value.

the reason is that options must be bound with an array of objects.

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